LIBERTY MTN. RANCH - "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty..."

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Welcome To Liberty Mtn. Ranch

The Lord brought us here almost four decades ago, and we have raised our children and animals in this beautiful place. Now our grandchildren are also growing up nearby. For many years our registered Morab and Morgan horses, Alpine dairy goats, and Great Pyrenees dogs all had their jobs to do, but that is now in the past thanks to Agenda 21's mandatory global animal ID scheme. All of our beautiful horses are gone now. 

And for many years our family has been very involved with the live musical passion play, "The Witness", in Hot Springs, Arkansas, and we were very pleased to be able to use our animals to glorify the Lord in this manner. We were very excited about the ministry the Lord had for us. Now things are changing. Our government is turning our nation over to the United Nations through programs such as the animal ID scheme and now our family's animals are almost all gone in order to protect our land rights and private property rights. No more animals for things like The Witness, either. This affects far more than just some cattle producers who want to sell their beef to Japan.  

The picture to the left is of the registered Morab mares, LM Ark-One Shawna and Liberty Mtn. Dominica, with our oldest son, Justin, on Shawna, and husband, Clarence, is on "Nicky". Our youngest son, Cody, is standing on the ground in the middle - he is 6'4" tall so that gives you an idea of size. Click on the picture, and a link there will take you to the Witness website for more information and pictures. These pictures were taken in Sept. 2000 for publicity purposes. Today, Shawna is still with her new owners in Wisconsin. She is their therapy horse in their therapy program. She will be 31 years old this year (2019) and still looks great! Her younger sister, "Nicky", passed away a couple of years ago and is buried here at home with their mother and grandmother. 

"These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value." Thomas Paine


Liberty Mtn. Morabs on Professional Video!!

Now you can see it without traveling all the way to Arkansas! A professional video/DVD of The Witness was done, and is for sale anywhere in the world. Two Morabs are featured in the video doing the various horse parts. The gray, Liberty Mtn. Shoshone, owned by the Danley Family of Hot Springs, and the bay, Desiderata's Dawn, owned by Liberty Mtn. Ranch. Many of our family members are also featured in the video: 3 month old grandson, Gabriel Shane is Baby Jesus (he just turned 18 in Mar 2019), and others are soldiers, singers, village children, donkey handlers, etc. This dvd is no longer available. 


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It's been about 2 weeks now (mid-Sept), and there is no doubt that I have had something supernatural happen to my body. Over a year and a half ago I sustained an injury to my lower back. Rest, etc. did not help, it steadily got worse. By this spring I was having trouble standing for very long, and couldn't even shop for groceries without my husband helping. By mid-August I was having trouble being able to sleep, and I couldn't stand upright. My left leg was going numb, and my whole back was radiating in pain. I was shuffling my feet to move, I couldn't pick them up and walk. A wheelchair was beginning to look very inviting. My husband was having to do all of his work, and my work, too. My heart ached for him. In all this time, I had held to the fact that the Holy Scriptures are the true Word of God, and they say that "by His stripes" I WAS healed (past tense). I determined in myself that I was going to BELIEVE that Word as a real and personal truth for me. People were praying for me, etc. And it appeared that nothing was happening. A couple of weeks ago I picked up and started reading where I had left off in a book called, "How to Heal The Sick" by Charles and Frances Hunter. I will not go into details here, but I can tell you that the Lord met me that night through a chapter in that book. When I went to bed, I noticed that I wasn't hurting so bad. I was thankful! I dozed off, and suddenly came awake again - I had the very real impression that the Lord Jesus was sitting on the bed by my head. I wasn't sure if I was imagining this or what - there was no reason for me to do that. I was wide awake for awhile, and was very comforted and peaceful. I again noticed that I wasn't hurting so bad. When I awoke in the morning I wasn't hurting at all. Over the next few days I improved dramatically. And now I am completely recovered - even my leg is not numb anymore. I have been standing, walking, bending over, even walked the entire length of a parade! At the end of that parade my husband, with sparkling eyes and a big smile, told everyone that they had just seen a miracle - he had seen with his own eyes the terrible pain wracking my body when I tried to just walk to the bathroom and back, and he KNEW that it would have been impossible for me to have walked that parade. Standing to wash dishes is pure joy - because I CAN! Listen, people, Jesus is REAL, and His Anointing is REAL and it's for YOU today. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He came to remove your burdens and destroy your yokes...and all you have to do is BELIEVE and RECEIVE it. "Whom the Son sets free, is free INDEED". He's done all the work, and now offers it to us as a free Gift. If you would like for us to pray with you for a healing in your body, please email us and tell us. He paid a terrible price so we wouldn't have to SUFFER. He DOES CARE about YOU!

UPDATE FEB 2016 - It's hard to believe that 15 years have gone by already since I put this story on our website! And my back is still HEALED! Every night I go to bed and lay down with my legs straight and no burning pain in my body and I THANK JESUS for what He did for me!! When I stand at the kitchen sink and wash dishes, I praise Him that I can do this because I couldn't before. I tell people, do you want to see a miracle? And then I just raise my arms above my chest...because I couldn't do that before. He's real, He's alive and He's coming again....SOON. Oh, if people only knew how much He LOVES them...

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The above picture is unretouched...Our Family extends our sincere gratitude and appreciation to our troops all over the world!